Spring Break Challenge is a short-lived MTV reality game show spun off from MTV’s long-running reality game show, The Challenge. The spin-off series was somewhat cast-contestant dependent on The Challenge…
Living Lohan is an American reality television series that debuted on E! on May 26, 2008. The series aired for a total of nine episodes, ending its run on July…
Making the Band is an ABC/MTV reality television series that exists in separate iterations, each iteration focusing on a specific music act. It spawned musical acts O-Town, Da Band, Danity…
Bad Girls All-Star Battle is an Oxygen reality television series, that is the fourth spin-off of Bad Girls Club. It premiered on May 21, 2013, with a 90 minute episode…
The Real World is a reality television program on MTV originally produced by Mary-Ellis Bunim and Jonathan Murray. First broadcast in 1992, the show, which was inspired by the 1973…