Flag is a 13-episode Japanese mecha-genre anime series directed by veteran director Ryosuke Takahashi. It was broadcast as pay per view streaming web video on Bandai Channel starting on June…
While job hunting, Naoya is taken by a mysterious girl to a magical land where he is installed in the harem of the succubus Princess Lotte. Thanks to trauma from…
Kusanagi Kei, a high-school student living with his aunt and uncle, has an encounter with a female alien. This alien is revealed to be a new teacher at his school….
The series begins in U.C. 0001, at the very beginning of human space colonization, when a space colony called Laplace is destroyed during a ceremony hosted by the Federation’s Prime…
Azumanga Daioh is a Japanese comedy manga by Kiyohiko Azuma. It was serialized by MediaWorks in the shōnen manga magazine Dengeki Daioh from 1999 to 2002 and collected in four…
Post nuclear future. Earth has been almost completely submerged by oceans. Indastria, an hyper-technological isle, is the new world capital. Conan is the only survived boy in the attempt of…
Transcending eternity, the 12 Gold Saints return to protect love and peace on Earth! They gave their lives to destroy the Wailing Wall to break the way for Seiya and…
Edward and Alphonse Elric are two brothers gifted with the ability of alchemy, the science of taking one thing and changing it into another. However, alchemy works on the theory…
Möt Spike och Jet, en lösdrivare och en pensionerad cyborgpolis, som har startat en prisjägarkarriär tillsammans. De huserar i det före detta fiskeskeppet Bebop och har hjälp av den intelligenta…