The show deals with Rahim, a rich businessman, who works in money laundry and currency smuggling. After he gets out of a long prison sentence, he finds out that his men took all his money and drove his family away. He goes on a journey to find them and get his belongings back.
Rocky Hollow
Rocky Hollow was a stop-motion animation children’s television series made in Wales. The show is narrated by Peter Sallis, who became the voice of Wallace in Wallace and Gromit
Kamrup Ki Kahani
Kamrup Ki Kahani was an Indian soap opera that aired in the 1990s, directed by Ruma Ghosh.
The Mutant Way
The Mutant Way is comedy panel program on Channel 31 Melbourne. Produced by DeakinTV, The Mutant Way consists of two panels pitted against each other, as they battle it out…
Life Begins at Forty
Life Begins At Forty is a TVB series in 20 episodes. It stars Alex Fong, Chin Ka Lok, and Ram Tseung as forty somethings having issues with women, love, and…
Can they put their differences aside for the greater good? Chen Jing Chou is a playful, childish descendant of the Chen Dynasty. Yu Wen Tuo is the descendant of the…