This is the story of Tooru Kokonoe who has enrolled at Kouryou Academy, a school which trains students in wielding Blaze, soul powered weapons to prepare them for the Dorn Agency’s special peacekeeping corps. When Tooru is partnered with a mysterious girl: Julie Sigtuna, he finds he has to overcome many hurdles to ensure their teamwork and fighting skills are up to par for the duration of their training.
The Alan Titchmarsh Show
The Alan Titchmarsh Show is a British daytime chat show presented by Alan Titchmarsh. It was first broadcast on ITV on 3 September 2007 and currently airs on weekday afternoons….
Dansez pentru tine
Dansez pentru tine is a show produced and broadcast on television station Pro TV, presented and moderated by Ștefan Bănică, Jr. and Iulia Vântur. It was the most watched entertainment…
Virgin 1 Presents….
Virgin1 Presents…. is a music show consisting of 13 hour-long programmes which contain a mixture of music performance and artist interviews shot at venues across the UK. The show was…
The Choir
The Choir is a BAFTA award winning TV series following Gareth Malone as he tackles the task of teaching choral singing to people who have never had the chance, or…
Get Up, Stand Up: The Story of Pop and Politics
Get Up, Stand Up: The Story of Pop and Politics is a 6×60 minutes documentary TV-series about the relationship between singers and politics in the USA, the UK, Germany and…