In this ”romantic comedy but sometime serious magical school story,” life as Arata Kasuga knows it is wiped out by a bizarre incident known as ”Collapse Phenomenon,” which causes worldwide destruction and takes his cousin Hijiri Kasuga to the next world. To resolve the ”Collapse Phenomenon” and bring back Hijiri, Arata enrolls in the Royal Biblia Academy. Waiting in the school are seven beautiful female magic users — the Trinity Seven.
Sky Trackers
Der Tatortreiniger
Hot Date
Based on the CollegeHumor webseries of the same name, Hot Date’ is a sketch-comedy series that chronicles the social waters of dating, sex, marriage and diving into the ritual of…
The Last Chance Detectives
The Last Chance Detectives is a series of Christian television movies, and later a radio drama series created by Robert Vernon and produced by Focus on the Family in the…
Curious Minds: The Internet
How is the internet shaping our lives in the 21st Century?
Things Behind the Sun
Things Behind the Sun is a 2001 film starring Kim Dickens and Gabriel Mann and directed by Allison Anders. Its title is taken from a song by Nick Drake.
Devious Maids
The series centers on four Latina maids working in the homes of Beverly Hills’ wealthiest and most powerful families, and a newcomer who made it personal after a maid was…
Tarzan and Jane
From 41 Entertainment, Executive Producer Avi Arad (Arad Animation) and with animation from ARC Productions comes a new kids series based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ collection of stories about his…