Special Rescue Police Winspector is a Japanese tokusatsu TV series, part of the Metal Hero Series and the first piece of the Rescue Hero trilogy. The series follows the adventures and missions of a special ”Rescue Police” team known as Special Police Winspector, as they stop crimes and respond to dangerous events where regular police force is not sufficient. The team is made up of one human and two robotic assistants.
Visningar: 435
Genre: Aktion & Äventyr
Skapare: Saburo Yatsude
Skådespelare: Mami Nakanishi, Masaru Ōbayashi, Ryo Yamamoto, Sachiko Oguri, Yura Hoshikawa
A Date with Judy
A Date with Judy was a comedy radio series aimed at a teenage audience which had a long run from 1941 to 1950.
Golf Central
Golf Central is Golf Channel’s news program. It was launched in 1995, in the same year as the network it airs on.
Naomi & Wynonna: Love Can Build a Bridge
Your Bottom Line
Your Bottom Line is a CNN news program focusing on financial news hosted by Christine Romans. The program was hosted by Gerri Willis before her departure from CNN in February…
Getroud Met Rugby
पृथ्वी वल्लभ
The story follows the life journey of two kings: Prithvi Vallabh, king of Avantipur, a kind and peaceful man, and Tailap, the neighboring king, who is very cruel.
Miss Mermaid
Bei uns und um die Ecke
Bei uns und um die Ecke is a German children’s television series, broadcast in 6 episodes between 2008 and 2009.