A Comedy Roast
A Comedy Roast is a British comedy television show broadcast by Channel 4. After a series of failed attempts by various broadcasters over the years, it is the first adaptation of the American comedy institution of roasting to be produced as a television show in Britain. The first series premiered on 7 April 2010. Hosted by Jimmy Carr it saw Bruce Forsyth, Sharon Osbourne and Chris Tarrant get roasted by various colleagues, comedians and celebrities. The show returned on 15 October 2010 targeting Davina McCall.
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The Master Game
The Master Game was a BBC production of televised chess tournaments that ran for seven series on BBC2 from 1976 to 1982.
Pilot Season
Pilot Season is a television miniseries written by Charles Fisher and Sam Seder, directed by Seder, and starring Sarah Silverman. The show followed on from the 1997 film Who’s the…
Mr. Piper
Mr. Piper is a Canadian children’s TV series made in 1963. The series was created by Martin Andrews and Allan Wargon, who was also the producer.
The Flumps
The Flumps was a children’s programme which was produced in 1976 by David Yates. It was broadcast by the BBC many times from 1977 to 1988.
30 Something Grandma
The stories of three women, Patricia, Prudence and Chantel, who are all about to become grandmothers in their 30’s! Having been young moms themselves, these women now face the reality…
Leya, Ang Pinakamagandang Babae Sa Ilalim Ng Lupa
Leya, Ang Pinakamagandang Babae sa Ilalim ng Lupa is a Fantasy-Drama series produced by T.A.P.E., Inc. and aired over GMA Network. Directed by Ruel Bayani, this series is about fairies,…