Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Batman: The Brave and the Bold is an American animated television series based in part on the DC Comics series The Brave and the Bold which features two or more super heroes coming together to solve a crime or foil a super villain. As the title suggests, the cartoon focuses on Batman’s regular ”team-ups” with various heroes similar to the most well-known version of the original comic book series. The series premiered on November 14, 2008 on Cartoon Network in the United States, and ended on November 18, 2011.
Popstars: The Rivals
Popstars The Rivals was a British television talent show series that was broadcast on ITV in late 2002. It was the second UK series of the international Popstars franchise. Unlike…
Don’t Move Here
Don’t Move Here: Inside Portland’s Music Scene is an American documentary series about Portland, Oregon’s music scene, that relatively recently has become a hot spot for indie bands. The series…
Avalon is a 1990 film directed by Barry Levinson. It is the third in Levinson’s semi-autobiographical series of four ”Baltimore Films”: Diner, Tin Men, Avalon, and Liberty Heights. The film…
See No Evil: The Moors Murders
화이트 크리스마스
Century Falls
Century Falls is a British cross-genre series broadcast in six twenty-five minute episodes on BBC1 in early 1993. Written by Russell T Davies, it tells the story of teenager Tess…
新メイプルタウン物語 パームタウン編 Shin Maple Town Monogatari: Palm Town Hen
Chainsaw Gang
Chainsaw Gang is a reality TV show that features Stacy Poitras – one of the country’s top chainsaw artists – and his crew as they create works of art from…