Bob & Doug
Bob and Doug is a Canadian animated sitcom, which premiered on Global on April 19, 2009. The series is a revival of the SCTV sketch characters Bob and Doug McKenzie.
Visningar: 268
Skapare: Dave Thomas
Skådespelare: Dave Coulier, Dave Thomas, Jayne Eastwood, Maurice LaMarche, Patrick McKenna
Loving Friends and Perfect Couples
Loving Friends and Perfect Couples was a Canadian television soap opera, which aired in 1983. Originally aired on the pay TV network First Choice, the series was later rerun on…
Club Dance
Club Dance was a TV show that aired on The Nashville Network from April 1, 1991 to February 5, 1999 for a total of 1848 episodes, with re-runs until June…
Amanda Sabater
Amanda Sabater is a Venezuelan telenovela that was produced by and seen on Venezuela’s Radio Caracas Televisión. It was written by Ibsen Martínez and Salvador Garmendia. Maria Auxiliadora Barrios and…
50 Central
Boiling Points
Gay Army
Gay Army is a Danish comedy reality television series featuring nine effeminate gay men put into the hands of a drill sergeant. The show was first broadcast in Sweden, Norway…