Boom Town
Boom Town is a structured-reality television and comedy sketch show series produced by independent company Knickerbockerglory for BBC. It first aired on BBC Three in August and September 2013. Directed by Hannah Springham and produced by Jonathan Stadlen, the series features a cast of eccentrics playing their own alter-egos, including their ”own catchphrases, eccentricities and larger than life personalities”.
The Berenstain Bears
Taniec z gwiazdami
Taniec z gwiazdami is a Polish light entertainment reality television series broadcast by TVN. It was the Polish version of the BBC’s popular Dancing with the Stars / Strictly Come…
Dangerous Minds
Legend of the Seeker
The adventures of woodsman Richard Cypher, who discovers that he was born to fulfill a prophecy of becoming a guardian hero to oppressed people. With the help of a mysterious…
Amigo is a game show for kids in Norway. The host is Stian Barsnes Simonsen, who is also the host for Melodi Grand Prix Junior with Nadia Hasouni. Amigo has…
Million Dollar Neighbourhood
Million Dollar Neighbourhood is a Canadian documentary television series on the Oprah Winfrey Network. The series debuted on January 22, 2012.
What Do Kids Know?
What Do Kids Know? Is a brand new family entertainment show exclusive to Watch, where celebrities and children celebrate the humour and bewilderment of Britain’s generation gap. Hosted by Rufus…