Border Patrol
Border Patrol is a 34-episode syndicated half-hour adventure/drama television series which aired in the United States during calendar year 1959, with Richard Webb cast as Don Jagger, the fictitious deputy chief of the Border Patrol. Webb earlier portrayed the title role of Captain Midnight, a 1954-1956 CBS television series based on an earlier radio program.
Mr. Piper
Mr. Piper is a Canadian children’s TV series made in 1963. The series was created by Martin Andrews and Allan Wargon, who was also the producer.
Prisoner Zero
Teens Tag and Gem travel through space searching for their parents whilst figuring out their identities. They are befriended by Zero who takes them under his wing, protecting them from…
Risk Takers
Risk Takers is a Canadian television documentary series which profiles people in dangerous professions, produced by CMJ Productions of Montreal.
K-tai Investigator 7
K-tai Investigator 7 is a 2008 Japanese television drama which aired from April 2, 2008 to March 18, 2009. It was a joint collaboration between WIZ and Production I.G. Directed…
Hawaiian Eye
Hawaiian Eye is an American television series that ran from October 1959 to September 1963 on the American Broadcasting Company television network.