Brava Gente
Brava Gente was a television series aired by TV Globo in Brazil between 2000 and 2003, initially as a special year-end. The program was adapted from stories and national stories, and plays by famous playwrights, screenwriters and signed by a number represented by several actors and actresses. The genres of the stories varied each week with the style of each director or author. Brava Gente in the stories ranged from comedies and dramas. In all 53 episodes were shown, broadcast on Tuesday nights.
Our Time
Our Time is a summer series hosted by Karen Valentine and Harry Anderson that aired on NBC. It takes a nostalgic look at concerns of the baby boom generation.
Jaianto robo
Join Johnny Sokko and his giant flying robot as they battle evil monsters and Gargoyle henchmen. An adventure ensues every episode as Johnny’s computerized robot helps the Unicorns defend the…
Our House (AU)
Our House is an Australian home renovation television series aired on Nine Network in 1993 until 2001.
Hoy con Cesar Hildebrandt
Hoy con Cesar Hildebrandt was a political television show, hosted by the polemical Peruvian journalist César Hildebrandt.