Brave Exkaiser
Brave Exkaiser, sometimes spelled as Brave Exkaizer or Brave Exkizer, is a Japanese animated television series that began in 1990, created by Sunrise under the direction of Katsuyoshi Yatabe, and is the first of the long running Yuusha or ”Brave” metaseries funded by Takara and produced by Sunrise.
Bear Grylls: Escape From Hell
Earth’s defense forces are engaged in a losing battle with the evil alien race called the venomoids led by Darkon. During this time frame a ship plummets towards Earth and…
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age is a 1989 PBS television series focusing on the effect of nuclear weapons development on international relations and warfare during the Cold War….
This Land is Mine
This Land is Mine is a TVB television series, premiered on January 21, 1980. Theme song ”Wind and Clouds” composition and arrangement by Joseph Koo, lyricist by Wong Jim, sung…
Kung Mahawi Man Ang Ulap
Underwater Wonders Of The National Parks
The US National Parks have some of the most iconic landscapes in the U.S. But there is also an underwater side to explore!
World Watch
World Watch is a program on SBS One and SBS Two in Australia that carries news bulletins from countries around the world. The World Watch service gives viewers the opportunity…
Where’s Raymond?
Where’s Raymond? is an American sitcom that aired on ABC, starring Ray Bolger. The series aired from October 1953 to April 22, 1955. The series’ title was spurred by Bolger’s…