Checkmate is an American detective television series starring Anthony George, Sebastian Cabot, and Doug McClure. The show aired on CBS Television from 1960 to 1962 for a total of 70 episodes and was produced by Jack Benny’s production company, ”JaMco Productions” in co-operation with Revue Studios. Guest stars included Charles Laughton, Peter Lorre, and Lee Marvin, among many other commensurately prominent performers.
Visningar: 321
Genre: Mystik
Skapare: Eric Ambler
Skådespelare: Anthony George, Doug McClure, Jack Betts, Ken Lynch, Sebastian Cabot
Range Ryder and the Calgary Kid
Range Ryder and the Calgary Kid is a Canadian children’s television series. It debuted on CBC Television in 1977. It is notable for being the first television appearance of then…
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