Chilly Beach
Chilly Beach was a Canadian animated series, which aired on CBC Television in Canada and The Comedy Channel in Australia. The series is a comedic depiction of life in the fictional Canadian town of Chilly Beach, described by the producers as ”a bunch of Canadians doing the stuff that Canadians do, like playing hockey, drinking beer, and being eaten by polar bears.” Chilly Beach plays on nearly every conceivable stereotype that people have about Canadians in a satirical manner.
Visningar: 315
Skådespelare: Jacqueline Pillon, Steve Ashton, William Shatner
Buddhaa – Rajaon ka Raja
Mythological drama serial is based on the life of Lord Buddha that shows how a prince, Siddhartha became a Buddha.
Naked and Funny
Kekkon Dekinai Otoko, known in English as The Man Who Can’t Get Married, is a 2006 Japanese drama broadcast by Fuji TV. The theme song is ”Swimmy” by Every Little…
CBC News: 60th Anniversary of V-E Day
Treasure Hunters
Big, Bigger, Biggest
Big, Bigger, Biggest is a British documentary television series which began airing in 2008. A total 20 episodes have been produced across 3 seasons.
Play for Today
Wild Guess
Wild Guess was a kid’s game show about animals taped in Canada. It was taped in 1988, and it later reran on The Animal Planet Network for one year from…