Eli Stone
Eli Stone is an American legal comedy-drama TV series, named for its title character. The series follows Stone, a San Francisco lawyer who begins to have hallucinations, which leads him to two possible conclusions: a potentially fatal brain aneurysm, and the chance that something greater is at work. His visions lead him to accept cases with little monetary gain but a lot of moral goodness.
Visningar: 243
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Skapare: Marc Guggenheim
Skådespelare: Jonny Lee Miller, Loretta Devine, Matt Letscher, Natasha Henstridge, Victor Garber
Den hemlighetsfulla ön (1973)
Under det amerikanska inbördeskriget, lyckas unionens krigsfångar fly i en ballong och hamna strandsatta på en söderhavsö, som bebos av gigantiska växter och djur. De måste använda sin uppfinningsrikedom för…
How Do They Do It?
How Do They Do It? is a television series produced by Wag TV for Discovery Channel. Each programme explores how 2 or 3 ordinary objects are made and used. The…
Video Gag
Video Gag is a French television show that airs weekly on French broadcast channel TF1. It is essentially a French version of ”America’s Funniest Home Videos” or the British ”You’ve…
Mosaic: World News from the Middle East
ツバサ 春雷記
Time Team Digs
Time Team Digs is a British television series that aired on Channel 4 in 2002. Presented by the actor Tony Robinson, the show is a spin-off of the archaeology series…
Yellowthread Street
Yellowthread Street is a 1990 ITV police drama about detectives of the Royal Hong Kong Police based on the novels by William Leonard Marshall.