Go Go Gophers
Go Go Gophers is a western/comedy animated series that originally appeared on the Underdog series from 1966 to 1968 before being briefly spun off as a separate series on CBS in 1968 and 1969. It was apparently created as a parody of F Troop, a western/comedy series that aired from 1965-1967.
Bits and Bobs
Bits and Bobs is a children’s television programme which is produced and broadcast by the BBC. It is aired on CBeebies. The show is filmed at several notable Scottish attractions…
Gösta Berlings saga
Boxing After Dark
Boxing After Dark is an HBO boxing program, premiering in April 1996, that usually shows fights between well-known contenders, but usually not ”championship” or ”title” fights. Unlike its sister program,…
Lincoln Heights
Lincoln Heights is an American family drama television series about Eddie Sutton, a Mission Vista police officer who moves his family back to his old neighborhood, Lincoln Heights, to start…
Weather Blether
Weather Blether was an occasional supplementary blog for STV’s regional weather service, serving Northern and Central Scotland. As opposed to its sister blogs, The Real MacKay and Northern Exposure, the…
George and Cecil
George and Cecil is a romantic-comedy weekly primetime series starring newlyweds Judy Ann Santos and Ryan Agoncillo written and directed by Jose Javier Reyes on the ABS-CBN.