Hugo was an interactive television show created by the Danish company Interactive Television Entertainment in 1990. Since its premiere in TV2, this popular ”live one-player multi platform interactive game show” has aired in more than 40 other countries and has seen multiple video games and other media and merchandise in its extended franchise.
After discovering that they work at the same company, a gaming crazed otaku and a fujoshi reunite for the first time since middle school. After some post-work drinking sessions they…
Giant Killing follows a ragtag bunch from East Tokyo who are struggling in Japan’s top football league. Nearing the bottom, they have lost 5 matches in a row which hasn’t…
Shadow Chasers
Shadow Chasers is a 1985 American mystery television series created by Brian Grazer and Kenneth Johnson. Thirteen episodes were produced, nine of which were shown on the ABC television network,…
내 남자의 비밀
A man desperately wants to be ”real,” so he puts on a ”real” mask. A woman wants to be loved so much that she throws out her younger sister and…
בשבילה גיבורים עפים
Robbie the Reindeer
Robbie the Reindeer is a series of three animated comedy television specials shown on BBC One at Christmas, filmed in aid of Comic Relief. Written by Kevin Cecil and Andy…
Police thriller that tells the story of Joana Almeida, a young successful blogger. On the morning of the publication of her first novel she wakes up with her boyfriend Carlos…
The Help
Gladiators 2000
Gladiators 2000 is a spin-off television show of American Gladiators. It is hosted by Ryan Seacrest and Maria Sansone. Season 5 American Gladiators grand champion Peggy Odita served as head…