In the Long Run
Set in 1980s London, this comedy series follows the Easmon family, which has settled in England after having arrived from Sierra Leone a decade earlier. The Easmons’ son, Akuna, hangs out in the housing project where the family lives, playing soccer and dodging the local thugs. The family’s life is turned upside down when Walter’s brother Valentine arrives in the U.K., bringing chaos in his wake and igniting a passion for music in Akuna.
The Steve Allen Show
Playbox was a TV programme for pre-school children aged 2–5, which ran during the late 1980s and early 1990s in the United Kingdom on ITV and was produced by Central…
Soundmixshow is the original Dutch version of Stars In Their Eyes; it was hosted by Henny Huisman, as a live-vocals version of the increasingly obsolete Playback Show. It has since…
Uncle Croc’s Block
Star Trek: Phase II
Star Trek: Phase II is a fan-created science fiction series set in the Star Trek universe. The series was created by James Cawley and Jack Marshall in April 2003. The…
House of Harmony and Vengeance is a Hong Kong costume-comedy television drama produced by TVB under executive producer Nelson Cheung. The drama centers around a group of musicians and dancers…
Ironclads is a 1991 made-for-television movie produced by Ted Turner’s TNT company about the events behind the creation of the CSS Virginia from the remains of the USS Merrimack and…
파리의 연인
Hitler: The Rise and Fall
Using the latest research across the course of Hitler’s life, world-renowned experts investigate the man behind the monster and pinpoint the key moments in his meteoric rise and ultimate downfall.
The Awesomes
The Awesomes is an animated comedy television series starring Seth Meyers, streamed on Hulu. The show follows a group of superheroes who step in and replace the members of a…