Journeys to the Ends of the Earth
Journeys to the Ends of the Earth is a 1999 television series produced by the Discovery Channel. Its two year production made it the most expensive adventure travel series ever commissioned in Australia. The series was co-produced by David Adams. It was nominated for Best Documentary Series by the Australian Logie Awards.
Big Rich Atlanta
Big Rich Atlanta is an American reality television series on the Style Network. The series premiered on January 23, 2013.
Mystery Island
Mystery Island was a live-action segment on the CBS Saturday morning package program The Skatebirds, produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions.
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Aboriginal Christian Television System
ACTS-TV – Aboriginal Christian Television is a Christian daily broadcast show and the founding program of Cree Cable Channel 66 based in Moose Factory, Ontario Canada. Created in 2007 by…
Time2Shine Gospel Talent Search is a UK gospel music based singing and music performance competition featuring auditions and a live final, all of which are recorded for transmission on the…