Kure Kure Takora
Kure Kure Takora is a tokusatsu children’s comedy show from Japan. Produced by Toho Company Ltd., the show ran a total of 260 episodes, and aired on Fuji TV from October 1, 1973 to September 27, 1974. Kure Kure Takora—the main character of the show wants everything he sees and says ”Kure! Kure!” all the time. Each epsisode ran exactly 2 minutes and 41 seconds.
EJIDA Studios Short Films
A showcase of short films by EJIDA Studios.
Twilight Theater
Twilight Theater was a short lived 1982 American comedy show created by Steve Martin.
Rolling Stone: Stories From the Edge
A chronicle of the last 50 years of American music, politics and popular culture through the perspective of Rolling Stone magazine. An exhilarating visual and musical experience of the magazine’s…
The Big Break
The Big Break is the Golf Channel’s reality television program. The show’s premise is to award an aspiring professional golfer exemptions into selected events on certain tours. The series debuted…
An original comic-drama fiction series that portrays the routine of a Brazilian soccer referee in the pursuit of his biggest dream: to blow the whistle at a World Cup final.