Las Vegas
Las Vegas is an American television series broadcast by NBC from September 22, 2003 to February 15, 2008. The show focuses on a team of people working at the fictional Montecito Resort & Casino dealing with issues that arise within the working environment, ranging from valet parking and restaurant management to casino security. The series originally aired on Monday nights, though NBC later moved the series to Friday nights first to 9 PM Eastern/8 PM Central and then to 10 PM Eastern/9 PM Central. The show ended syndication in the United States in July 2013 after a long run of weekday back to back episodes it was moved to a graveyard slot of 4 am- then removed totally from TNT’s lineup.
Visningar: 331
Genre: Aktion & Äventyr, Drama, Komedi
Skapare: Gary Scott Thompson
Skådespelare: James Caan, Josh Duhamel, Molly Sims, Nikki Cox, Vanessa Marcil