Lion-Maru is a Japanese tokusatsu television franchise that began in 1972 by P Productions as Kaiketsu Lion-Maru. The basic premise of the series is that the main character has the ability to transform into a superpowered anthropomorphic lion, usually wielding a katana. The original two series were set in feudal Japan and were, essentially, tokusatsu versions of the samurai dramas that were extremely popular at the time. The 2006 program, Lion-Maru G, is set in the near future, but still uses the samurai motif for the designs of the main characters.
Der Clown
Der Clown was a German television series that ran between 21 April 1998 and 11 October 2001. It ran for 46 episodes, and starred Sven Martinek, Diana Frank, Thomas Anzenhofer…
Misteryo is a 2009 weekly horror television program in the Philippines that aired previously on QTV and now airing on GMA Network starting December 18, 2010. It features horror and…
Great American Railroad Journeys
Michael Portillo crosses the Atlantic to ride the railroads of America, armed with Appleton’s General Guide to the United States, published in 1879.
Sexton Blake
ITV aired Thames Television’s Sexton Blake starring Laurence Payne as Blake and Roger Foss as Tinker from Monday 25 September 1967 to Wednesday 13 January 1971. In keeping with Sexton…
Stand Up to Cancer
Stand Up to Cancer is a ground-breaking television event scheduled to air on September 5, 2008 at 8pm EST and PST. This historic, nationally-televised program will broadcast live and commercial…