Masters of Science Fiction
Masters of Science Fiction is an American television anthology series by the same creators as Masters of Horror. The show debuted on ABC on August 4, 2007 at 10PM for a run of four episodes. It was originally scheduled to run in six parts, but two episodes were removed from the schedule for undisclosed reasons.
The Haunting of Hill House
Four people spending a summer in a rented mansion soon begin to experience a wide range of supernatural phenomena. A modern re-imagining of Shirley Jackson’s novel.
Fox Business Morning
Yasmin’s Getting Married
Yasmin’s Getting Married was a short-lived Australian reality television program that aired live on Network Ten in early August 2006. It was based on the successful Scandinavian show Kerry’s Getting…
The Herculoids
Ishq Mein Marjawa
A young woman comes across the man of her dreams and settles down with him. However, post her marriage, she finds herself among manipulative people and framed for a series…
The Price of Greed
The Price of Greed is a TVB period drama series released overseas in December 2006 and aired on TVB Pay Vision Channel in January 2008.