Mecha-Mecha Iketeru!
Mecha-Mecha Iketeru! is a popular Japanese variety show, shown on Fuji TV. The hosts of the show are the owarai duo Ninety-Nine, and the show is usually attended by regulars Yoiko, Gokuraku Tombo, Oasiz, Shinji Takeda, Akiko Hinagata, and Sarina Suzuki. However, Gokuraku Tombo’s Keiichi Yamamoto has not appeared on the show since being involved in a scandal in 2006. Egashira 2:50 also appears as a semi-regular guest. The show is also known as Mecha-Ike.
Visningar: 248
Genre: Komedi
37 Days
Dendam Nyi Pelet
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