Monga Yao Hui

Monga Yao Hui

Monga Yao Hui is a 2011 Taiwanese drama starring Lee Wei and Lin Yi Xin. It tells the story of four childhood friends and the life of gangsters. The production was announced on 11 January 2011, and was actually set to debut on CTS in May, later postponed to March and eventually to April 12, 2011, airing every Monday through Fridays at 8:00pm for two hours. This drama marked the 40th anniversary of CTS in producing drama. It was set to end in July 19 but was extended to July 22 due to problems with its replacement, New My Fair Princess.

Visningar: 377

Genre: Okategoriserade

TV Status: Avslutad

Längd: - min

TMDb: 0%

