Philbert Frog
Philbert Frog is a British animated television series made by Fat City Films and produced by Heather Pedley & Philbert Frog Ltd. Created by Vincent James, it was first shown on the BBC in November 1992.
At a university football team reunion, former team manager Mitsuki Hiura confesses that she killed a person to quarterback Tetsuro Nishiwaki. She also reveals that as a result of a…
Love Exchange
Wolf Creek
Eve, a 19-year-old American tourist is targeted by crazed serial killer Mick Taylor. She survives his attack and embarks on a mission of revenge.
Beautiful, fashionable and fun, Clarissa Alpert is a shallow socialite whose speed dial is a veritable Rolodex of Hollywood power players. Staring her 32nd birthday directly in the eyes, though…
Christopher Crocodile
Christopher Crocodile is an animated children’s cartoon TV series. It was started in 1993 and was produced by Direct Entertainment Ltd.
Legend of Chu and Han
Legend of Chu and Han, also known as Chu Han Chuanqi, is a Chinese television series based on the events in the late Qin Dynasty and the Chu–Han Contention that…