Rio: Rainbow Gate!
Rio: Rainbow Gate! is an anime series produced by Xebec under the direction of Takao Kato. Based on Tecmo’s Rio Series of pachinko games, the series revolves around titular character Rio Rollins, a popular casino dealer working at the Howard Resort, and the thirteen cards called Gates which are used to determine the world’s most skilled dealer. The anime aired on Tokyo MX and related channels between January 4, 2011 and March 29, 2011.
Visningar: 253
Skådespelare: Ayana Taketatsu, Chiaki Takahashi, Eri Kitamura, Marina Inoue
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Making News: Texas Style
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Access was a Canadian Community television series which aired on CBC Television from 1974 to 1982, except 1981.
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Makai Senki Disgaea
Showbiz Extra
Showbiz Korea is a daily television entertainment news show that covers the South Korean entertainment industry broadcast in South Korea and throughout Asia on Arirang TV, which premiered on April…