Runaround was a children’s television game show produced by Heatter-Quigley Productions. The program was hosted by ventriloquist and voice actor Paul Winchell, airing Saturday mornings on NBC from September 9, 1972 to September 1, 1973. The program was announced by Kenny Williams, with music by Mort Garson.
The Biggest Loser Germany
The Biggest Loser Germany started in 2009 on ProSieben. The following seasons switched channels inside the ProSiebenSat.1 network, season two airing on kabel eins and seasons three and four on…
Runaway Bay
Runaway Bay was a children’s adventure television series, which ran from 1992 to 1993. The series followed a group of friends having adventures while living on the island of Martinique…
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Outrageous and Contagious Viral Videos
The Motorbike Show
Presenter, motorcycle adventurer and writer, Henry Cole, takes a look at the world of motorcycling.
Gang Starz
Gang Starz is a Malaysian-based reality singing competition that searches for the best vocal group in Southeast Asia. The winning group receives US$100,000, a recording contract, and a chance to…
Face the Nation
The Skin Horse
The Skin Horse is a documentary by and about disabled people and their sex lives. Not their secret longing and private thoughts, although these are part of the film. This…