Sam and The Fatman
Sam and The Fatman was a short-lived Australian sports television program, shown on the Nine Network and its affiliates. The show was a spin-off from The AFL Footy Show and The NRL Footy Show, with hosts Sam Newman and Paul Vautin from those respective shows.
Alias Caracalla, au cœur de la Résistance
The Lost Empire
The Monkey King, also known as The Lost Empire, is a 2001 four hour television mini-series produced by NBC and the SciFi Channel. It is a contemporary take on the…
Around the World
Steve Harvey
Steve Harvey is a syndicated American talk show that is hosted by comedian/actor/radio personality Steve Harvey, who also serves as its executive producer. This is his first television talk foray,…
Nostalgia Nerd Hardware
I’m Nostalgia Nerd… I have an addiction to Nostalgia. I talk about software, hardware, games, toys, programmes, magazines and other things from the 70s, 80s and 90s, with a dry…
Call Red
Great Dangaioh
Great Dangaioh is a 13-episode anime TV series that ran from 5 April 2001 through 5 July 2001 on TV Asahi in Japan. It was created and directed by Toshiki…
Golf on ESPN
Golf coverage on ESPN and ESPN2 has been a regular feature of the cable sports channels’ programming since soon after ESPN’s launch in 1979. Although ESPN no longer owns any…
The Radio Tycoon
The Radio Tycoon is a TVB television series, premiered in Hong Kong in 1983.