Samurai Deeper Kyo
Samurai Deeper Kyo is a manga series written and illustrated by Akimine Kamijyo. Set during the Edo period of Japan’s history, Samurai Deeper Kyo follows Demon Eyes Kyo, a feared samurai seeking to regain his body after his soul is sealed inside the body of his rival, Mibu Kyoshiro. Kyo is joined in his search by the bounty-hunter Shiina Yuya, the heir to the Tokugawa shogunate Benitora; and Sanada Yukimura, a known rival of the Tokugawa.
Visningar: 241
Genre: Aktion & Äventyr, Animerat, Drama
Skådespelare: Akira Ishida, Katsuyuki Konishi, Megumi Ogata, Yui Horie
Wild Roses
CBS Schoolbreak Special
CBS Schoolbreak Special is an American anthology series for teenagers that aired on CBS from April 1980 to January 1996. The series began under the title CBS Afternoon Playhouse, and…
Reflections is a Canadian classical music television series which aired on CBC Television in 1962.
2011 IIHF World Junior Hockey Gold Medal Game
Top Billing
Top Billing is a South African television programme that airs every Tuesday evening on SABC3 from 19H30-20H30 and the repeats on Sunday at 12h00. It is founded by Basetsana Kumalo…
Gary Spetze’s Painting Wild Places
Gary Spetze’s Painting Wild Places is a watercolor painting television series hosted by Gary Spetze which debuted in 2004. The series, similar in format to The Joy of Painting is…
Familjen annorlunda
Svensk dokumentärserie. Om familjer med många barn. Deras vardag ser inte ut som andra barnfamiljers. De tvingas hitta nya lösningar för att få allt att fungera.
Project SuperStar
Project SuperStar is a singing talent search competition organised by MediaCorp and broadcast every Wednesday and Thursday at 8pm on Channel U in Singapore. Project SuperStar was organised to uncover…