Saturday Night Live
A late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels. The show’s comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory and newer cast members. Each episode is hosted by a celebrity guest, who usually delivers an opening monologue and performs in sketches with the cast, and features performances by a musical guest.
Once a Hero
Once a Hero is an ABC 1987 science fiction comedy television series. The series stars Milo O’Shea as Abner Bevis, a down-on-his-luck comic book artist whose life is turned upside…
Eien no Aseria – Spirit of Eternity Sword
A Toast of Love
A Toast of Love is a Singaporean Chinese sitcom which aired in October 2003. It is a spin-off of the popular drama series Viva Le Famille. It was aired every…
The Innocence Project
The year is 1905 during King Chulalongkorn’s reign, Thai slavery has come to an end. As men are fighting for a place society, women are fighting for a place at…
Golden Faith
Golden Faith is a TVB drama released in 2002 starring a cast that includes a strong mix of new generation actors such as Gallen Lo, Deric Wan, Jessica Hsuan, Raymond…