Shirt tales
Shirt tales is an American animated series that aired on NBC from September 18, 1982 to January 21, 1984. The series featured animal characters, created in 1980 by greeting card designer Janet Elizabeth Manco, that were among Hallmark Cards’ best sellers at the time.
Visningar: 278
Skådespelare: Bob Ogle, Fred Travalena, Herb Vigran, Nancy Cartwright, Ronnie Schell
Doorknock Dinners
Doorknock Dinners is a program that aired on Food TV in the late 1990s. The program featured Gordon Elliott taking a guest chef into the home of a busy person/household…
Hugh and I
Hugh and I is a black-and-white British sitcom that aired from 1962 to 1967. It starred Terry Scott and Hugh Lloyd as two friends who shared lodgings with Terry’s mother…
Velvet Colección
It is the year 1967. After five happy years of marriage in New York with Alberto and their young son, Anna Ribera returns to Spain to take her project Velvet…
The Cleaner
Sjálfstætt Fólk
Independent People, is a television interview series hosted by Jón Ársæll Þórðarson, journalist and psychologist. The program has been aired on the TV channel Stöð 2 in Iceland since autumn…
Impulse follows ”16-year-old Henrietta, aka Henry, who discovers she has the ability to teleport. The first time she realizes this, she is in a truck with her high school’s Golden…
The Range Rider
PGA Tour on ABC
PGA Tour on ABC was a television program that broadcast the main professional golf tours on the American Broadcasting Company television network. ABC broadcast the PGA Tour from 1966 until…
The Film Review
The Film Review is a 10 minute film related programme shown on BBC News each Friday evening at 17:45. It reviews three new films each week.