Sorted is a BBC television drama series, first broadcast in July 2006 on BBC One and BBC HD. It was created by Danny Brocklehurst, who has also written Clocking Off, The Stretford Wives and Shameless. Sorted achieved 5 million viewers and was the only drama that year to grow week on week in the ratings. Despite this – and the largely good critical response – the BBC announced in October 2006 that it would not recommission the programme.
Verissimo, initially titled Verissimo – Tutti i colori della cronaca is an Italian entertainment television news program covering events and celebrities which debuted on 1996 on Canale 5. It has…
The Miracle
How could twin sisters be such polar opposites? Kwon Shi Ah is the beautiful sister, gorgeous in every way and a member of the popular girl group known as Miracle…
Equitrekking is the Emmy award-winning equestrian themed travel television show on PBS. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina native Darley Newman, the show’s host, writer and producer, and a 2001 graduate of…
Bronk is an American television series starring Jack Palance as Detective Lieutenant Alex Bronkov. The series is set in the fictional Ocean City, California.
Action News
Action News is a local television newscast format in the United States. It was conceived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at WFIL-TV by news director Mel Kampmann in 1970 as a response…
Rødes Første Jul
Den amerikanska tecknade serien The Simpsons handlar om de vardagliga problemen och äventyren hos den minst sagt annorlunda familjen med samma namn i den fiktiva staden Springfield. Familjens medlemmar består…
Nickelodeon Australian Kids’ Choice Awards 2010
The 8th annual Nickelodeon Australian Kids’ Choice Awards was held on Friday 8 October 2010 at the Sydney Entertainment Centre. Nomination entries closed on 1 August 2010 and the nominees…
Kahani Chandrakanta Ki
Kahani Chandrakanta Ki was an Indian fantasy television series based on Devaki Nandan Khatri’s second novel Chandrakanta Santati. The series premiered on Sahara One on June 6, 2011, and is…