Suddenly Susan
Suddenly Susan is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from September 19, 1996 until December 26, 2000. The series was created by Clyde Phillips and stars Brooke Shields in her scripted television series debut. Shields plays Susan Keane, a glamorous San Francisco magazine writer who begins to adjust to being single, and who learns to be independent-minded, after being taken care of all her life. The series was developed by Gary Dontzig and Steven Peterman, who also served as executive producers during the first three seasons, and was produced by Warner Bros. Television. While the series was one of many that debuted to huge Thursday night ratings and was unable to keep them up, it was able to last for three seasons after being moved away from Thursday, and fans and critics viewed it as an OK show with a very good, likable lead performance from Shields.
Visningar: 289
Genre: Komedi
Skådespelare: Andrea Bendewald, Barbara Barrie, Brooke Shields, Judd Nelson, Kathy Griffin