Tales of the Unexpected
Tales of the Unexpected is a British television series which aired between 1979 and 1988. Each episode told a story, often with sinister and wryly comedic undertones, with an unexpected twist ending. Early episodes were based on short stories by Roald Dahl collected in the books Tales of the Unexpected, Kiss Kiss and Someone Like You.
Pretty Wild
Pretty Wild is an American reality television series that premiered on E! on March 14, 2010 and ran for one season. The series chronicles the lives of socialite sisters –…
Harlock Saga
Harlock Saga is a six-part anime miniseries by Leiji Matsumoto. An adaptation of Das Rheingold, it tells the story of space pirate Captain Harlock and his crew as they try…
History Makers
History Makers was a Canadian historical television series which aired on CBC Television in 1970.
Studio Disney UK
Studio Disney was a live TV show, broadcast on Disney Channel UK. It launched in September 1997 as Disney Channel UK Live, and relaunched as Studio Disney on 23 April…
Budgie is a popular British television series starring former popstar Adam Faith which was produced by ITV company London Weekend Television and broadcast on the ITV network between 1971 and…
The story follows Hime Arikawa, whose absent parents have left him saddled with a huge debt. After being saved from debt collectors by three girls on the student council, in…
Phil of the Future
Phil of the Future is an American sitcom that originally aired on Disney Channel from June 18, 2004 to August 19, 2006 for a total of two seasons. The series…