Tayong Dalawa
Tayong Dalawa is a Philippine primetime drama series broadcast on ABS-CBN and worldwide on TFC in 2009. It premiered on April 6, 2010 in Malaysia on Astro Prima followed by August 31, 2010 in Singapore on Channel 5. The story revolved around two brothers who share the same name, the same aspirations, and the same lady-of-interest. The title of the series was taken from one of Rey Valera’s classic songs, in a manner similar to most Filipino soap operas.
Visningar: 262
Genre: Aktion & Äventyr, Drama
4 Elementos
32 participants, divided into 8 teams, made up of two men and two women face air, water, earth and fire tests.
I Get That a Lot
Roy Fun Tawan Duerd is the second part of The Rising Sun Series – it is about Ryu who already has Mayumi as his fiancé, but as it happened, she…