The Emperor’s New School
The Emperor’s New School is an American animated television series that aired on Disney Channel. The show is based on the characters from The Emperor’s New Groove and its direct-to-video sequel Kronk’s New Groove. It follows the adventures of young emperor Kuzco as he completes his education in order to return to the throne, while Yzma, as the school’s principal, will stop at nothing to prevent Kuzco from passing all of his classes.
Visningar: 284
Skapare: Mark Dindal
Skådespelare: Curtis Armstrong, Jessica DiCicco, Rip Taylor, Shane Baumel, Wendie Malick
Morris Minor’s Marvellous Motors
Shenanigans was a children’s television game show that aired on ABC Saturday mornings from September 26, 1964 to March 20, 1965, and again from September 25 to December 18, 1965….
Edgar Wallace Mysteries
The Edgar Wallace Mysteries was a British second-feature film series, produced at Merton Park Studios for Anglo-Amalgamated. There were 46 films in the series, made between 1960 and 1965.
Battle of the Choirs
Battle of the Choirs is an Australian reality talent competition that premiered on the Seven Network on 15 June 2008. The show is hosted by David Koch, with the judging…
Down Home
Radisson is a Canadian adventure television series which aired on CBC Television and Radio-Canada from 1957 to 1958.
Carlo J. Caparas’ Gagambino is an adaptation of Carlo J. Caparas’ celebrated graphic novel that used to air in on GMA Network, produced by its film-arm GMA Films. It premiered…
Killing for a Living
Killing for a Living is a nature documentary show first debuting on BBC and Discovery Channel aired in 1997, and later repeated on Animal Planet. It was produced by Wildvision…