The Fred Waring Show
The Fred Waring Show is an American television musical variety show that ran from April 17, 1949 to May 30, 1954 on CBS. The show was hosted by Fred Waring and featured his choral group ”The Pennsylvanians”.
Major League Baseball on CBS
Major League Baseball on CBS is the name of the former TV show that televised Major League Baseball games on the American television network CBS. Produced by CBS Sports, there…
Your Money
The Reluctant Romeo
The Reluctant Romeo was a British television comedy series that was broadcast on the BBC in 1967
Dance Champion
Aspiring dancers compete against each other in a series of challenging rounds in order to win the series title.
EJ Johnson and his ”glamtourage” are followed as they jet set from coast to coast in this reality series.
Earth’s defense forces are engaged in a losing battle with the evil alien race called the venomoids led by Darkon. During this time frame a ship plummets towards Earth and…
Secret History
Secret History was a long-running British television documentary series. Shown on Channel 4, the Secret History brandname was used as a banner title in the UK, but many of the…
Nightmare: The Birth of Victorian Horror
Dirty Rotten Cheater
Dirty Rotten Cheater is a game show that aired on PAX from January 6 to April 14, 2003. The show’s gameplay combines elements of Weakest Link and Family Feud along…