Vice is a documentary TV-series created and hosted by Shane Smith of Vice magazine. Produced by Bill Maher, it uses CNN journalist Fareed Zakaria as a consultant, and covers topics such as political assassinations, young weapons manufacturers, and child suicide bombers using an immersionist style of documentary filmmaking. It aired on HBO in April 2013. Rolling Stone wrote that the show ”feels a little like your buddy from the bar just happened to be wandering through eastern Afghanistan with a camera crew.”
Devil in the Details
Every investigation is a hunt for clues. In the question of murder, it is the details that reveal the coldblooded truth. Devil in the Details is a six-part series that…
Jjhoom India
Jjhoom India is a musical reality show that airs on Sahara One channel, starting from October 27, 2007. Jjhoom India is an Indian adaptation of Stars on Stage, a Swedish…
Really Wild Animals
Really Wild Animals is a children’s nature television series, starring Dudley Moore as Spin, a talking globe. Comprising 26 episodes, the series aired between October 24, 1993 and March 2,…
A mysterious criminal steals a secret state-of-the-art time machine, intent on destroying America as we know it by changing the past. Our only hope is an unexpected team: a scientist,…
Disney’s Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra
Telling Stories with Tomie dePaola
Telling Stories with Tomie dePaola is a children’s television series from The Jim Henson Company.
The Mary Whitehouse Experience
Then Came You
Frozen Planet
Arktis och Antarktis är tillsammans den sista stora vildmarken på jorden. Storslagenheten, landskapets skönhet och naturens krafter – vädret, havet och isen – finner man ingen annanstans på vår planet….
News Profile
News Profile is a Canadian news and biography television series which aired on CBC Television from 1972 to 1974.