Yahtzee is a game show that aired from January 11 to September 1988. Based on the dice game Yahtzee, the show was hosted by Peter Marshall, with Larry Hovis serving as both the show’s announcer and a regular panelist. Each week featured a different hostess serving as ”dice girl”, including Kelly Grant, Denise DiRenzo, and Teresa Ganzel.
신데렐라 언니
Hard Fate
Hard Fate is a 30-episode series which aired on TVB in 2004. It stars Flora Chan 陳慧珊, Damian Lau 劉松仁, Kevin Cheng 鄭嘉穎 and Niki Chow 周麗淇.
A ”devil” website connected four unrelated ordinary individuals by giving each of them a tiny amount of super power to satisfy their needs. When they discover others who had signed…
Live at the Apollo
Honoo no Haramase Oppai Ero Appli Gakuen The Animation
Cantinflas Show
Cantinflas Show is a Mexican animated television series produced by Televisa. The series was created by Mario Moreno ’Cantinflas’ and animated by Spanish animator José Luis Moro, who animated the…
Inami is a French animated cartoon series about ecological issues in the land of Amazonia. The title character, Inami, is an 11-year-old boy, full of energy and learning how to…