Hyper Police is the name of a manga and anime series created by Minoru Tachikawa under the pseudonym MEE. It is a comic science fiction, set in a period in…
Coyote Ragtime Show is an anime series directed by Takuya Nonaka and produced by ufotable, which first aired in Japan on July 3, 2006. The storyline consists of the adventures…
TO is a 2009 anime OVA series composed of two vignettes. This Sci-Fi series comprises two episodes, approximately 42 minutes each, that are completely unrelated. Each tells a short tale…
It is the year 0083 of the Universal Century. The rebellious Principality of Zeon has been defeated in the One Year War by the Earth Federation. However, a faction of…
Earth has been taken over by invaders. With the universe under their thrall, the tears of the people awaken the nine ultimate saviors, chosen by the KyuTama, and they are…
Saint Tail is a phantom thief magical girl manga and anime series. Originally a twenty-four part manga by Megumi Tachikawa, the story was adapted into an anime television series by…
In this sequel to Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu?!, Mithril becomes aware of a secret organization that has technology able to counter the ECS (Electronic Cloaking System) mode. This organization, known…
Two years ago, Shibuya was ravaged by a biological terrorist attack using the deadly Ua virus. Maria Osawa was saved when her father inoculated her against the virus, but is…
Advanced placement into a school of higher grade proof-reading is determined by the results of the Promotion Test strictly for class type. Ranging from A class with the best facilities…
War of the Holy Grail – Pursuing the power of the ”Holy Grail” which grants a miracle, this is a contest in which seven magi summon seven Heroic Spirits to…
Kageyama Shigeo (a.k.a. ”Mob”) is a 8th grader with psychic abilities. He could bend spoons and lift objects with his mind from a young age, but he slowly began to…
Mugen is a ferocious, animalistic warrior with a fighting style inspired by break-dancing. Jin is a ronin samurai who wanders the countryside alone. They may not be friends, but their…
In the future when technological enhancements and robotics are a way of life, Major Motoko Kusanagi and Section 9 take care of the jobs that are too difficult for the…
The Super Sentai Series is the name given to the long-running Japanese superhero team genre of shows produced by Toei Co., Ltd., Toei Agency and Bandai, and aired by TV…