Tre brødre som ikke er brødre is a Norwegian comedy television show which ran for six episodes during the autumn of 2005 on the Norwegian state channel NRK. It featured…
Team Antonsen was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program which was shown on TV in spring 2004 on the Norwegian state channel NRK. The show consisted of four well-known comedians:…
Tor Varhaug is back after an almost perpetual leave of absence from the Planning and Building Services. Now he has taken the step further and got a new job at…
Uti vår hage was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program which had two different runs on TV in 2003 and 2008 on the Norwegian state channel NRK. The show starred…
Ten years after the smash hit ”Nissene på låven”, the Christmas gnomes are finally back. In ”Nissene over Skog og Hei” the Christmas gnomes has left the barn, and embarks…
Dag is a Norwegian comedy series about a marriage counselor who think people should live in solitude. He hates spending time with other people, except from his friend Benedict who…