Hello Counselor is a South Korean reality show first that debuted in November 2010. It is hosted by Shin Dong-yup, Lee Yeong-ja, and Cultwo (Jeong Chan-wu, Kim Tae-gyun). It is…
When Moo-Myung was young, he had an once-in-a-lifetime event. He walked into orphanage by himself. To take revenge, he attempts to become a God of Noodles.
Song Soo-Jung is an arrogant pop star who believes not only that status and money can get you anywhere, but that it defines your worth. She accidentally falls into a…
After Aliens arrive, the story takes place in two time streams: 2017 and 2037. In twenty years, and by 2037, the world has been divided into a “Smart Earth” where…
Can you actually not show what your true colors are while working with a lot of people? Eun Hwan Ki, the director of the top public relations agency, is a…