Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibōken, is an original manga based in the fantasy world of the video game series Dragon Quest. It was originally created as a two-chapter short story…
Paul’s Miraculous Adventure is an action-adventure anime television series created by Tatsunoko Productions. The series was broadcast across Japan on the Fuji TV network from October 3, 1976, to September…
Steel Jeeg, more commonly known as Kotetsu Jeeg or Koutetsu Jeeg, is a super robot anime and manga series created by manga artists Go Nagai and Tatsuya Yasuda. The anime…
Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibōken, is an original manga based in the fantasy world of the video game series Dragon Quest. It was originally created as a two-chapter short story…
Dr. Slump is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It was serialized in Shueisha’s anthology magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1980 to 1984, with the chapters…